Summer session is from June 3 through July 26, 2013. Enrollment Day is June 3, 2013. Tuition is $70.
For nearly a century, Hoo Cho School has been a friendly, neighborhood Chinese School. Hoo Cho's charter to perpetuate the Chinese language and culture in Hawaii, implores us to keep our tuition very low and to nurture our future generations. Maintaining the traditional along with adapting to modern China, we teach both Cantonese and Mandarin, calligraphy as well as computers, and culture along with language. Come see what makes Hoo Cho so unique!

互助學校是歷史悠久的僑辦中文學校, 創立了八十多年,是註冊的正規中文學校。辦校宗旨是幚助海外的華僑子第學習中國文化知識,弘揚中華文化。

Mahalos to the Honolulu Chinese Jaycees' hard work for the 2010 Adopt-A-School Day!
Check out their first years efforts in 2009